Nalle Hukkataival klettert den schwierigsten Parcour in Fontainebleau in 5 Stunden

Der finnische Boulderer Nalle Hukkataival ist bereits seit rund zwei Wochen in Fontainebleau und nahm sich einige schwierige Boulder vor. Heute verkündet Nalle die komplette Begehung des schwersten Parcours im französischen Bouldergebiet in 5 Stunden und 8 Minuten.

Sein Kommentar:

„The black ED+ circuit in Cuisinière is the hardest circuit in Fontainebleau and despite being decades old, word has it it’s never been climbed in a day. The fact alone that the very last boulder on the circuit is the infamous slab Duel (8A) has kept it an exclusive challenge.

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I found the circuit to be a real test of climbing skill – being strong will only get you so far. The boulders range between every style testing technique above all. Crimps, slopers, slabs, aretes, dynos, highballs, mantles – you have it all. Mental strength is needed on the highballs.

The point is that in order to make it through the entire circuit you need to climb well and efficiently. After a couple of days locating and sussing out the boulders and brushing some of the less popular ones from underneath the moss, I gave it a shot.

At 5 hours 8 minutes I got to the top of the last boulder with no skin to spare, already bleeding on the last attempt! Feels great to complete something that I remember seeing in the guidebook and laughing at because it seemed so ridiculously hard. To top it off I nearly had the ‚perfect game‘ falling just one time on Duel.

Must have learned a thing or two over the years!“

Nalle beim Auschecken des Abschlussboulders

Credits: Bild


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Alex Megos eröffnet Kletterhalle | Frankenjura Academy

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