Search results for: agility

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Agility in climbing: With these exercises, you prevent injuries

If you train regularly, you should definitely also take mobility. These exercises will carry you forward and protect you from injury.

Ondra's strength endurance monster Vicious Circle (9a+/b) repeated for the first time

The 25-year-old Italian Stefano Carnati secures the first repetition of Adam Ondra's strength endurance monster Vicious Circle (9a+/b).

ACT Squat: How to strengthen your hip muscles | Compensatory training

The training experts Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb will show you exercises for hip problems. Today: The ACT Squat.

Sideplank Leg Lift: This exercise strengthens the hip muscles Compensatory training

The training experts Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb show you exercises for hip problems. Today: The side plank leg lift.

T-Stand Hip Rotations: This exercise helps with hip problems Compensatory training

The training experts Patrick Matros and Dicki Korb show you exercises for hip problems. Today: T-Stand Hip Rotations.

Between chalk and nostalgia - bouldering then and now

From an outsider to a trend sport: Bouldering inspires a wide audience today. But how did the beginnings of the Swiss bouldering scene look like? During his research, Transianer Alex visited three old bouldering areas in central Switzerland. Their owners René, Luk and Dodo tell of a time without crash pads and run-and-jumps, but with a lot of charm.

Stronger on the go in steep terrain: This exercise helps

Front lever cycling is a simpler form of slope balance. With this exercise you train your body tension very intensively. This is particularly useful when climbing steep and overhanging routes.

13 yoga poses to warm up for rock climbing

Yoga is great for warming up before bouldering or climbing and keeps your body flexible. Transian and yoga teacher Adrian has put together a few simple asanas (yoga exercises) that help mobilize your body, restore mobility and help relax tense muscles.

