How are the handles in a 9b + route?

Stefano Ghisolfi is one of the strongest climbers in the world. He scored several routes in the 9b / 9b + area. In this video he analyzes the Erebor route in detail and reveals what the holds are like in such a difficult route.

In the video below shows the Italian Stefano Ghisolfi Step by step, which handles have to be held in the most difficult route in Italy He analyzes in detail which handles are to be held and how, which are good, which are bad and where there are resting points. It offers a detailed insight into the impressive climbing at the limit.

Stefano Ghisolfi on the handles in Erebor (9b / +)

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Credits: Cover picture Stefano Ghisolfi



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The IFSC World Cup returns to Bern | Tickets available

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David Bermudez (15) makes short work of 8c+/9a routes

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