Keyword: Decided
Katie Lamb, Michaela Kiersch and Karo Sinnhuber boulder hard
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Katie Lamb pulls her seventh and eighth 8B+ boulder, Michaela Kiersch boulders 8B within a few hours and Karo Sinnhuber climbs 8A+.
One of the hardest flash inspections: Tomoa Narasaki with Decided (8b +)
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The Japanese Tomoa Narasaki manages one of the heaviest flash-tours of a boulder. He climbs the decided (8b +) on Mount Mizugaki in the first attempt.
Japanese Ryuichi Murai opens a new 8c + Boulder: United
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The boulder world is richer by a new ultra-heavy boulder: United. The seated version of Boulders Decided on Mount Mizugaki was first installed by Ryuichi Murai a few days ago.