Keyword: Graubünden

New wildlife areas and wildlife sanctuaries | 2021

The Federal Office for the Environment FOEN has published the updated data on wildlife quiet zones and wildlife sanctuaries. It is one of the biggest adjustments in recent years.

Magic Wood bouldering area: Community terminates lease agreement with Saluz family

The waves go wild in the nationally and internationally known and popular bouldering area Magic Wood. The Saluz long-term tenant family received notice of termination from the municipality of Ferrera. What is going on in the Aver Valley? Will the Magic Wood bouldering area soon lose its magic? LACRUX spoke to Thomas Saluz and the Mayor Albert Rauch.

34-year-old climber died on Piz Bernina

A mountaineer fell on Tuesday morning ascending to Piz Bernina. She sustained fatal injury.

Leon Fraunhofer cracked The Never Ending Story 1 + 2 + 3 (9a) in Magic Wood

Around five months after the two-part boulder was inspected The Never Ending Story (1 + 2) the German Leon Fraunhofer gets an inspection of the three-part line, which is rated 9a.

Clément Lechaptois gets the second iteration of the Fionnay hammer Foundation's Edge

Clément Lechaptois gets the second repetition of the 8c boulders Foundation's Edge and climbs a few days later The Never Ending Story (8b +).

Thomas Lindinger commits The Never Ending Story in the Magic Wood

One of the most recent ascents by The Never Ending Story German Thomas Lindinger settled in - and published a video about the boulder.

The new Magic Wood guide is here

Ulrich and Harald Röker recently published the second edition of their guide to the Magic Wood bouldering area in Averstal.

Dave von Allmen opens Highball Boulder Shazam at Magic Wood

In the middle of August Graubünden's Dave von Allmen opened a new boulder in the Swiss bouldering area Magic Wood: Shazam.

