Keyword: sponsoring

Now it's official: Adam Ondra is a mammoth athlete

A week ago it was pretty much clear - now it's official. The Swiss mountaineering outfitter Mammut signs Adam Ondra. More in the following message from Mammut.

Mammut signs Adam Ondra

If our interpretations of a recently published video are correct, Adam Ondra will soon be under contract with the Swiss outdoor outfitter Mammut.

Interview with Alexander Megos: I'm not a social media man

The rumor mill was seething at the beginning of the year. Alexander Megos parted with numerous sponsors. Where is he going Why is he leaving his longstanding sponsors? Today it is clear where the journey was going: To Petzl. We talked to Alexander about his motivations and life as a professional climber.

Alex Megos sends a series of sponsors into the desert

Alex Megos cancels a number of sponsorship deals. He is new to the team of the French mountain sports outfitter Petzl.

Adam Ondra: A day in the life of a professional climber

Adam Ondra's everyday life is not just about climbing. In this video Adam Ondra gives an insight into the life of a professional athlete.

