Julia Chanourdie is the first French woman and third woman in the world to climb a route with a level of difficulty 9b. Yesterday she succeeded in the red point ascent of Eagle-4 in the Praniania sector of the St. LĂ©ger area.
At the beginning of the year Julia Chanourdie with her commission of Super Crackinette (9a +) already burst a bomb. With the ascent at that time, she was only the fourth woman who could climb so difficult. Now she is setting the bar even higher and joins the even more exclusive club of 9b climbers.
Wow, today I climbed Eagle-4. My first 9b. Incredible!
Julia Chanourdie
Only three women have climbed a 9b route so far
With her red point ascent of the route Eagle-4 the French Julia Chanourdie is even with the Austrian Angy Eiter (La Planta de Shiva (9b) 2017) and Laura Rogora (Ali Hulk Extension Total Sit Start (9b) 2020). the route Eagle-4 climbed by Juila was first ascended by Adam Ondra in 2018 and at the beginning of the year by Hugo Parmentier .
That might interest you
Video: Adam Ondra on the first ascent of Eagle-4
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Credits: Cover picture Julia Chanourdie