Keyword: plausch competition

Fighting in the Boulderhalle LĂ–bloc

On Saturday, March 11, 2017, the "Goldfinger" competition will take place in the LĂ–bloc bouldering hall near Basel. The organizers are not stingy with the prizes:...

Blocbuster 2017 - the competition in B2 near Pratteln

On Friday, March 10, 2017, the Blocbuster 2 competition will take place in Basel's bouldering hall B2017. 50 boulder problems are waiting between 18.00 p.m. and 22.00 p.m. to...

Pleasure in the Boulderhalle Buchs

It's going to be epic on Saturday, February 25th, 2017, at Sparta Bouldering in Buchs. The Sparta-Fight fun competition takes place in the Rheinthal Bouldering Hall...

Successful Mammoth Blacklight Boulder Challenge 2017

Yesterday evening the Mammut Blacklight Boulder Challenge 2017 took place in the St. Gallen climbing hall. More than 230 athletes in brightly colored, loud clothes climbed under neon lights around...

Mammoth Blacklight Boulder Challenge 2017

On February 11, 2017, the fourth Mammut Blacklight Boulder Challenge will take place in the St. Gallen climbing hall. The event is a...

