Samuel Ometz scores Super Finale in the Rawyl climbing area

Swiss climber Samuel Ometz celebrated the Route Super Final in Rawyl last Friday.

Samuel made relatively short process with Super Finale. He invested only eight attempts in the route, until it worked with the passage.

“Super Finale is a good route with a few bouldering spots that are divided by resting points. The inspection is practically the consolation prize for not being able to complete my spring project. "

Samuel Ometz to celebrate Super Finale

Third 9a for Samuel Ometz

Super final is the third 9a route for Samuel Ometz. The young Valais celebrated his first 9a last year with Cabane au Canada. In April of this year he won the second 9a with Bain de Sang in St. Loup. Cabane au Canada, Bain de Sang as well as Super Finale call Samuel “soft” 9a's.

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Credits: Cover picture Rainer Eder


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