This is how Seb Bouin climbs the monster route Nordic Marathon | Video

In July, Seb Bouin climbed the ultimate endurance test piece with Nordic Marathon (130m, 9b/+) in Flatanger. The monster route stretches 130 meters through the gigantic roof and connects Nordic Plumber (8c) with the second pitch of Thor's Hammer (9a/+) and the direct headwall of Hanhelleren Cave. Now there is the video for the impressive first ascent.

Seb Bouin has had a crazy year: In April he managed the first ascent of DNA, the second 9c in the world, in November he opened the most difficult climbing route in the USA with Supreme Jumbo Love (9b +). In between, he left in Norwegian Flatanger his mark, including with the First Ascent of the 130-meter Monster line Nordic marathon (9b / +). John Thornton recorded the first ascent for posterity. A must-see!

Video: Seb Bouin climbs Nordic Marathon (130m, 9b/+, FA)

This is what Seb Bouin says about Nordic Marathon

ยซIt was one of the craziest ideas I've ever had: Climbing through the huge cave of Flatanger at its most overhanging part. Adam Ondra told me about this idea before I went there. I was really excited to see this mega project.

It wasn't just about scoring the route, it was the whole process, which involved joy, happiness, imitation and motivation, relationships, lifestyle, discoveries and encounters.

Seb Bouin: ยซThat feeling when life seems easy and simple brings me peace. And with that peace, I no longer feel the pressure and stress of my goals." Image: Marco Mueller
Seb Bouin: ยซThat feeling when life seems easy and simple brings me peace. And with that peace, I no longer feel the pressure and stress of my goals." Image: Marco Mueller

It's rare that everything comes together perfectly and I'm surfing the highest point of the wave. The line between success and failure is sometimes thin. And the smallest mistake can bring you down.

Everything was perfectly coordinated to make the many successes of this trip possible.
My physical condition, the perfect projects (not too hard, just on the right side), the best partners, the conditions and the luck.

I am so grateful that I was able to experience such beautiful moments. Such a journey doesn't happen very often in a climber's life. Thank you to everyone who has contributed, near or far."

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+ + +

Credits: Cover picture Marco Mรผller


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