Keyword: Sascha Lehmann

IFSC Lead World Cup Koper | Livestream & Program

From September 6th to 7th, 2024, the world's best climbers will compete for medals at the Lead World Cup in Koper. Here you can find the live stream,...

These are the newly crowned European Champions

The European Climbing Championships ended yesterday evening in Villars. After his gold medal in the lead, the Swiss climber Sascha Lehmann doubled in...

Sascha Lehmann: “I want to make it to the final at the Olympics”

Interview with Swiss professional climber Sascha Lehmann: Successful Olympic qualification, feelings of happiness and expectations.

These 68 climbers are qualified | Olympic Games Paris

Which climbers are qualified for the Olympic Games? We'll tell you in this article.

IFSC Lead and Speed ​​World Cup Chamonix | Info & Livestream

The IFSc Lead and Speed ​​World Cup will take place in Chamonix from July 12 to 14, 2024. Here you can find all the important information and the live stream.

IFSC Boulder and Lead Worldcup Innsbruck: Livestream & Info

From June 26 to 30, 2024, the world's best climbers will meet in Innsbruck for the IFSC Boulder and Lead World Cup. We have...

Lee, Ginés López and Ondra on the podium | Results Olympic Qualifier Series Shanghai

Olympic Qualifier Series Part 1: Dohyun Lee, Alberto Ginés and Adam Ondra climb onto the podium in Shanghai.

Garnbret and Anraku consistently strong, Schubert upping the ante in the lead: results of semi-finals combined format

Sorato Anraku and Janja Garnbret march straight through the combined semifinals towards the Olympic ticket.

