Keyword: Swiss Alpine Club

Swiss Alpine Club: Under these conditions, climbing and bouldering are allowed

Are you allowed to boulder and climb in the middle of the Corona crisis? We spoke to the Swiss Alpine Club about climbing and bouldering.

This is how the Swiss national climbing team trains

The Swiss climbing elite meets regularly at the National Performance Center. We looked behind the scenes and spoke to trainer Kevin Hemund.

Calling up the Alpine associations: no mountain tours, no climbing or bouldering and no ski tours

The Alpine clubs in Switzerland, Germany and Austria call for no mountain tours and no climbing or bouldering.

Swiss Alpine Club: record year for overnight stays

The Swiss Alpine Club SAC can look back on a record year. The summer half year gave the 153 SAC huts an absolute record.

May we introduce: Swiss Clean climber Silvan Schüpbach

We take a look at the Bernese Silvan Schüpbach, who represents and promotes rock climbing in Switzerland like no other.

This climbing guide shows the most beautiful Swiss areas for climbing with friends and wedges

The climbing guide C (H) lean from SAC presents climbing gardens and multi-pitch routes, which are suitable for hedging with wedges and friends.

Petra Klingler and Marco Müller climb to the lead championship title

Petra Klingler is Swiss champion in lead climbing. In the men's victory went to Marco Müller. Zoé Egli and Michel Erni won in the category U18.

Petra Klingler and Sascha Lehmann are Boulder Swiss Champions 2019

Petra Klingler and Sascha Lehmann Boulder Swiss Champion 2019. In the category U18 Malin Locher and Marius Audenis won.

