Keyword: Video

When top climbers still drank excessively alcohol

This video shows successful climber Warren Harding and his penchant for alcohol, parties and difficult first ascents.

You've never seen such a concentrated load of bouldering professionals | Video

This video shows eight super strong boulderers as they tackle the Kingdom Wall in Brione, Ticino.

You have to see this crazy double hook | Video

In August, Jonathan Siegrist managed the red point ascent of the Kinder Cakes (9a +) route in Rifle. This video not only shows his solid ascent, but a crazy double hook.

Bibliography climbed on Kilterboard | Video with Megos, Hanke & Midtbo

In a recently published video, Magnus Midtbo attempted the most difficult boulder on the Kilterboard. Now Alexander Megos and Chris Hanke are doubling with a new video.

Stefano Ghisolfi finds new solution for crux of Silence (9c) | Video

Stefano Ghisolfi he found a new solution for the first crux of Silence (9c). What does this mean for the entire route?

This is how Ghisolfi and Ondra train for their 9c projects

How do Ghisolfi and Ondra keep fit when they project a 9c route for a longer period of time? This video provides insight.

Update Ghisolfi: climbed after the first key point Silence | Video

The Italian Stefano Ghisolfi reports on the progress in the 9c route Silence in a new video. Starting after the first crux, he was able to climb to the deflector.

Route Setting in the Crossfire – Does Competitive Climbing Have a Problem?

We accompanied Alexander Megos at the European Championships and looked into the question: does our sport have a problem with route setting?

