Keyword: Wallis

Nils Favre commits Pied de Biche (8b +) in Valais

Nils Favre manages to inspect the 8b + Boulders Pied de Biche in Plamproz near Verbier. Nils has tried Pied three times before...

Baptiste Ometz Repeats The Mysterious Woodsticks (8b)

The 18-year-old Baptiste Ometz from Fully was the first to repeat the 8b boulder The Mysterious Woodsticks near Fionnay in Valais. The Mysterious Woodsticks was first climbed by none other...

Nils Favre climbs 9a classic Amazonie at Saint Triphon

Nils Favre has so far spent the year on blocks rather than on the rope (LACRUX reported). Today we received the news that the 9a classic Amazonie...

