Keyword: Injury

Adam Ondra in an interview about his Olympic strategy, hard training and injuries

Adam Ondra talks about his Olympic strategy, hard training and the associated risk of injury.

Adam Ondra: The time has come for lead training

Following the successful completion of the Bouldering World Cup season, training will be available for the lead competitions. More about this in the latest video by Adam Ondra.

Recover faster from injury with mental training

The head not only plays a central role when climbing a route or a boulder. Mental aspects are also important in the healing process after injuries from...

Cédric Lachat climbs after injury break again 9a

The Swiss professional athlete Cédric Lachat climbs one of the most famous 9a in Spain with Era Vella in just six attempts. The inspection is all the more remarkable when...

This is how you treat climbing finger injuries

Almost every climber knows it: the finger injury. Ring ligaments and capsule injuries or flexor tendon strains are probably the most well-known candidates. In the following episode...

