Keyword: Tom randall

Free solo because equipment is too heavy: Tom Randall with new crack project

Quasi free solo: Tom Randall's latest crack project is so hard that many cams are too heavy. So he only takes one with him.

This is how the British E scale works

It is as controversial as it is complicated: the British E scale. The Wideboyz will explain to you exactly how it works.

Pumpy boulder linkup in the legendary Greenspit crack route repeated | Pura Pura (8c)

Pete Whittaker succeeds in what is probably his second ascent of Pura Pura. The route connects the Boulder Green Shadow with the crack roof Greenspit.

This is how Adam Ondra did in the Wide Boyz basement

Adam Ondra, currently the strongest climber in the world, tries his hand at the most difficult crack problems in the Wide Boyz Cellar.

Will eGrader solve the UK grading scale problems?

The British rating scale, its complexity and, above all, its further development have been the subject of lively debate for years. Tom Randall, Neil Gresham, Steve McClure and James Pearson recently developed a tool called eGrader to make it easier to grade routes.

Replicas: Next Level Projecting or Heartless Performance Maximization?

In the race for the first iteration of Burden of Dreams (9A), all stops are pulled out: 3D scans, faithful replicas, pulleys for relief. Is this the future for advancing the sport of climbing? Or do replicas rob climbing of its soul? We spoke to the most important protagonists.

Stefano Ghisolfi amazes Wide Boyz | Video

The ominous basement of wide boyz Pete Whittaker and Tom Randall is the ultimate rift torture chamber. Anyone who is invited to lend a hand can be self-reliant. And if you also make a good trap, you are almost in crack Olympus. Stefano Ghisolfi recently paid his respects and amazed the Wide Boyz.

You should avoid these 3 mistakes in fingerboard training

Whether beginner or pro, many climbers make the same mistakes when training fingerboards. In the video, professional climber and coach Tom Randall clears up the three most common mistakes and explains the effect of fatigue, as well as body and grip position on training success.

