Keyword: tradklettern

Lena Marie Müller: Fourth female ascent of the principle hope principle

Lena Marie Müller gets a red dot inspection of the trad test piece hope principle on the Bürser Platte. It is the fourth female ascent.

Michi Wohlleben commits psychogram trad climbing route in Bürs

Fourth, Michi Wohlleben repeats the mentally and climbing technically demanding route psychogram (8b +) on the Bürser Platte in Vorarlberg.

Hazel Findlay climbs with Magic Line one of the hardest crack routes in the world

Hazel Findlay joins the Magic Line (5.14c / 8c +) in Yosemite Valley. The route is one of the heaviest rift routes in the world.

Video: When crocs are the solution for a hard climbing route

Two female climbers desperately project a route to their limit. Until they climb the route in their Crocs. See for yourself.

Video: Nicolo Balducci walking the Trad route Gondo Crack (8c)

About a year ago, the young Italian Nicolo Balducci managed to commemorate one of the world's toughest trad routes: Gondo Crack (8c) in the Cippo sector near Gondo, Switzerland. Now the video of the ascent and the story behind it is online.

Nils Favre climbs the trad climbing route Darbellay at Petit Clocher

The western Swiss Nils Favre managed in mid-September the ascent of the Tradroute Darbellay (8a) at the Petit Clocher above Martigny.

Finally: Pete Whittaker commits the heavy crack route recovery drink

The British Pete Whittaker succeeds in the third ascent of one of the world's toughest rift routes: Recovery Drink in Jossingford, Norway.

May we introduce: Swiss Clean climber Silvan Schüpbach

We take a look at the Bernese Silvan Schüpbach, who represents and promotes rock climbing in Switzerland like no other.



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