Video: Paige Claassen succeeds the second ascent of Algorithm (9a)

A few weeks ago, the American Paige Claassen climbed the toughest route in the state of Idaho. When you walk through Algorithm (9a) it is the first repetition. Now there is a video that shows the inspection of the impressive "fins" in Idaho.

Es war Jonathan Siegristwho first started the Route Algorithm six years ago, on September 8, 2012. "I could not fall. I think by the end I was screaming at every move — more nervous than tired, but definitely tired. I clipped the chains with swollen forearms and bleeding tips… one of the proudest FAs of my career ”, Jonathan commented on his ascent in Idaho.

Rarely repeated route

Since the first ascent by Jonathan Siegrist, the route has hardly been repeated, although it snakes up the spectacular "fins". In May and then September took off Paige Claassen Time to work on the route - with success. "Yesterday was a big surprise - made the second ascent of Algorithm, my goal for September! What a rad line. Shallow pockets, delicate feet, and a few big spans add up to 40 meters of thought provoking climbing, ”is how she describes the route with great enthusiasm. With the ascent of Algorithm, she succeeded in a 9a for the first time. But whether it really is a 9a is not clear. She was surprised how fast she could climb the route.

Video of the commission of Algorithm by Paige Claassen

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