Keyword: Schleier waterfall

Historical routes repeated: Ghisolfi and Piccolruaz successful on the rock

Stefano Ghisolfi repeats the legendary 9a route Action Directe, Michael Piccolruaz scores Weisse Rose at the Schleierwasserfall.

Jakob Schubert comments on the Weisse Rose (9a)

Shortly after the lifting of the first corona lockdown, Jakob Schubert managed to climb the 9a route Weisse Rose at the Schleier waterfall. Now the Austrian publishes a video in which he comments on his ascent step by step.

Adam Ondra flashes 8b boulder and more

As part of his Zillertal and Schleierwasserfall trip, Adam Ondra successfully flashed the 8b boulder Zwerg Bums Di.

Jakob Schubert climbs white rose (9a) after corona lockdown

The Austrian Jakob Schubert managed to walk the 9a route Weisse Rose at the Schleier waterfall shortly after the relaxation measures in his country.

