Keyword: margalef

Video: Jakob Schubert climbs one of the most difficult routes in the world: Perfecto Mundo (9b +)

Jakob Schubert secured the third ascent of Perfecto Mundo (2019b +) in Margalef in 9. This video shows him walking through this overhang route.

Jakob Schubert commits Perfecto Mundo - a personal report

In 2019, the Austrian Jakob Schubert managed the third ascent of Perfecto Mundo (9b +). Here is Jakob's personal report and video.

Stefano Carnati cracks the Boulder Dreamtime and the Demencia Senil route

Stefano Carnati climbs the 8a + Route Demencia Senil shortly after the two 9c boulderers Dreamtime and The Story of Two Worlds in Cresciano.

Jakob Schubert climbs the 9a route Victimes del Futur flash

Jakob Schubert climbs the route Victimes del Futur (9a) flash at the end of his trip to Spain. As a rating he proposes 8c + / 9a.

Jakob Schubert gets the third ascent of Perfecto Mundo (9b +)

The Austrian Jakob Schubert manages to redpoint one of the hardest sport climbing routes in the world: Perfecto Mundo (9b +) in Margalef.

Jonas Schild climbs 9a with Victimes del Futur for the first time

Bernese Jonas Schild manages the 9a route Victimes del Futur in Margalef, Spain. It is the first route for him in this level of difficulty.

Dave MacLeod on the Free Solo ascent of Darwin Dixit (8b +) in Margalef

2008 succeeded Dave MacLeod with Darwin Dixit (then rated 8c), which was probably the hardest free-solo ascent. Now he publishes a video.

Video: Stefano Ghisolfi climbs Perfecto Mundo (9b +) in Margalef

In December 2018 succeeded Stefano Ghisolfi the repetition of the Chris Sharma route Perfecto Mundo (9b +). He tells the story behind it in the video.

