Keyword: Video

When eyesight fades and climbing provides comfort

Onsight follows blind athlete and Black Diamond product developer Seneida Biendarra on her emotional journey to the gold medal at the 2023 Paraclimbing World Cup in Salt Lake City...

This crack line has the potential to become a classic

Fred Moix's crack line Butterfly Circus (8b) is very popular: even Pete Whittaker could not resist the aesthetics of the route.

Free solo because equipment is too heavy: Tom Randall with new crack project

Quasi free solo: Tom Randall's latest crack project is so hard that many cams are too heavy. So he only takes one with him.

Superwoman Shauna Coxsey boulders Superman (8B) | Video

What a bouldering year: Shauna Coxsey repeats the Jerry Moffatt Testpiece Superman (8B) in the Peak District.

Endurance training on the sofa: What can grip trainers do?

Endurance training on the sofa? Lattice investigated the myth of how endurance training can be done with a hand gripper.

The two competition legends Schubert and Garnbret climb to gold in Innsbruck

At the top of the podium: Janja Garnbret and Jakob Schubert win the gold medal at the Lead World Cup in Innsbruck.

Urban bouldering until the police arrive

Ever heard of buildering? This combination of bouldering and obstacle course is very popular in London. Magnus Midtbo tried it out.

«This line is the pinnacle of aesthetic perfection»

This film captures the magic of two friends climbing the famous Doubloons (8c) wall in the Colorado Alps.

