Over the past 9 years, the Würzburg Rock Inn has become a valuable meeting place for boulderers of all social classes and ages. Now the popular bouldering hall is threatened with closure. The climbing community is trying to avert this worst-case scenario with a petition.
"From the beginning, we had the dream that the Rock Inn would be a place for everyone," says Andreas Schmitt, one of the managing directors of the Rock Inn. In other words, a place where all social and age groups are integrated, do sports together and are socially integrated.
The people behind the Würzburg bouldering hall have come pretty close to realizing this vision in the first nine years: thousands of active boulderers of all ages climb in the hall - about half of them are schoolchildren, students and pensioners. In addition, over 9 social institutions now use the positive effects of climbing as a form of therapy.
Change of ownership changes everything
Despite this positive development, the future of the Rock Inn as a place to exercise and meet is uncertain. In May, a private investor bought the building in which the bouldering hall is located. With the change of ownership, the Rock Inn's contractually guaranteed right to remain is now also in jeopardy.
"We rented the hall 9 years ago and our rental contract currently guarantees us an extension for another 25 years from 2025," says Andreas Schmitt. This secure rental contract with the long-term right of residence was an important prerequisite for building the Rock Inn at this location.
The new landlord never contacted them in advance or tried to talk about possible plans - on the contrary, Schmitt continues: "He has been trying to push us out since the first day of the takeover because he wants to use the building for another, possibly more lucrative purpose. He apparently doesn't care about our current rental agreement."
Just a few days after taking over the building, he tried to terminate our tenancy without notice.
Andreas Schmitt, Rock Inn
Legal guns deployed
In recent weeks, the Rock Inn has been confronted with warnings at very short intervals. "In our view, this is completely unjustified," says Andreas Schmitt. In addition, employees and business partners are being addressed, which leads to great uncertainty.
"We always had a very good relationship with the previous owner, we invested a lot in the building and took a big financial risk." That's why the people behind the Rock Inn want to fight for their hall: "As you know, there is a lot of love, emotions and memories in this place. From us, from our employees and of course from you."
Sign the petition now
"We want to tell you that we will not give up and will preserve this place as it is and with you. We are also sure that the Rock Inn represents a great added value for the city of Würzburg," says Andreas Schmitt.
It cannot be in the interest of the city that we are forced out of the building by a private investor using brutal methods.
Andres Schmitt, Rock Inn
A petition has therefore been launched calling for the preservation of the popular bouldering hall. If you want to support the climbing community in Würzburg, please sign it now.
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Credits: Cover picture Rock Inn Wurzburg