After Adam Ondra sovereignly won the World Cup in Kranj, he allowed himself a day on the rock. The result: He climbs numerous hard routes onsight within three hours.
Once again you can feel in the video of Adam Ondrawhich passion for climbing in general and for rock climbing in particular, burns in it. One day after that IFSC World Cup in Kranj Adam Ondra drove into the Austrian climbing area Niemandsland. With ideal climbing conditions, Adam Ondra managed the onsight ascent of the routes Big Sleep (7c +), Ain't Nobody Special (8a +), Steinfeder (8b +) and Blood and honey (8c +).
“Steinfeder is one of the best routes in this degree in Central Europe. Absolutely fantastic climbing. "
Adam Ondra
The route blood and honey was from Bernhard Fiedler 2008 first arrived as 9a and six years later Micha Vanhoudt repeated. Micha suggested rating 8c +. Adam Ondra For his part, the route is difficult to evaluate, but is in the range 8c or 8c +.
Video about the World Cup in Kranj and the onsight-inspection of the blood and honey climbing route
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Credits: Cover picture AO Productions