Keyword: Action Talk

Reportage: First ascent by Stephan Siegrist, Nicolas Hojac and Lukas Hinterberger in Patagonia.

Stephan Siegrist, Nicolas Hojac and Lukas Hinterberger climbed the northeast wall of the Cerro Cachet. There is more in the video report from Actiontalk TV.

A climbing film of a different kind: Paradice

In their latest issue, the makers of Actiontalk TV visited the film premiere of Paradice in the Bernese Oberland and spoke to the two protagonists Nicolas Hojac and Jonas Schild.

Robert Jasper: Insights into the world of dry tooling

The makers of Actiontalk accompanied the German alpinist Robert Jasper to the place where he wrote climbing history several times.

Roger Schäli, Nina Caprez and Sean Villanueva open the toughest climbing route in the Eiger North Face: Merci la Vie

Actiontalk's film shows Roger Schäli, Nina Caprez and Sean Villanueva opening a new route in the Eiger North Face: Merci La Vie

Is an avalanche backpack a pure safety benefit? A self-experiment.

Avalanche backpacks can significantly reduce the risk of spillage. But how does the airbag affect my personal risk behavior? A self-experiment.

