The best exercise you do not do in climbing

Do you know the scapular pull-up? The exercise described below is extremely important, but is too rarely integrated into the training program. Time to catch up.

A guest post by Christoph Völker from

In order to keep your shoulders healthy and fit and to develop the proper movement patterns for pulling movements, it is important that you can powerfully lower, rotate and push your scapula. The exercise will help you climb longer and harder while climbing fatigue in a route or boulder. In addition, the shoulder lift helps you to develop the necessary strength so that you properly activate the lower trapezius and latissimus during campus board training and thus take the correct position when leaning.

This is how the shoulder-balancing train (Scapular Pull-up) goes

  1. Start in the usual chin-up position, hands on shoulder width on the chin-up bar. Your palms are pointing away from the body.
  2. Completely in the shoulder you should never hang. Therefore, start in slightly raised shoulders. From this position, you now pull the shoulder blade down and together so that your body slightly raises. Important: You do not pull out of your arms, as you would in a normal chin-up. If you do the movement properly, your head will move slightly back and your chest will move up as your shoulder blades contract.
  3. Hold this position for a second and then slowly go back to the starting position. The complete movement is only a few centimeters at the beginning, unless you are already very fit.
  4. Do six to twelve repetitions of the exercise, always with your arms straight. Do not forget to maintain tension in the back and buttocks. If the exercise is very difficult for you, this is a sign that you have found a weakness that you should balance.
  5. In total, you should do two sets with a three-minute break. Resist the temptation to exaggerate it and gently approach the exercise.
  6. The long-term goal of the exercise is to perform three sets of ten reps each.
Schulterklimmzug_Scapular pull Up_Target10a
Start in the normal pull-up position. Then try to move your shoulder back and down with your arms as straight as possible by pulling down on the bar. Rotate your forearms outward and move your chest outward and upward. (Image Eric Hörst -

Tip for the execution of the shoulder-balancing train

For those who find the exercise very difficult, it is recommended to do it with less resistance. You can relieve yourself by placing your feet on the floor or raised on a chair and performing with your knees bent. Important: Do not use extra weights for this exercise. The risk of overloading is too high.


You can find items for your personal training

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Credits: Picture & Text Eric Hörst -


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