Keyword: Training


Magnus Midtbo takes creatine for 2 months – and becomes massively stronger | Self-test

Magnus Midtbo took creatine for the first time in his career and analyzed in a self-test what effect the dietary supplement had on his body.

3 ultimate technique tips from Will Bosi | Climbing training

In recent years, Will Bosi has catapulted himself from a little-known climber to the climbing elite - in sport climbing and bouldering. In this video, he gives three tips on how to improve your climbing technique.

Three effective concepts for more mobility

Are you stretching regularly but aren't really becoming more flexible? Then it's time to rethink your approach. Today we're introducing you to three...

This exercise helps with elbow pain

Many climbers know it: pain on the inner elbow when pulling hard. If the pain becomes established, it remains a persistent companion and is...

4 Tips: Climb Ledges Better Without Additional Strength Training

Groin balling is not just about strength alone. Today you will learn 4 practical techniques that will help you improve your ability to hold groins...

Climbing like Adam Ondra – how it's done

Adam Ondra is one of the most comprehensive and strongest climbers in the world. Today you will learn which basic techniques the GOAT uses and how you can use them...

Climbing training: How to create your individual training plan

Do you want to train more specifically to improve your climbing level, but don't know how to go about it? Then you'll find tips from professional trainers...

More flexibility, more power: These stretches improve your climbing performance

Starting high, changing foot and hand when pushing or spreading wide in corners are examples of climbing movements in which a lack of flexibility can be very limiting. Today we will show...

