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Thanks to this exercise, your core will become stronger and more flexible

The windshield wiper is a pull-up bar exercise that works your obliques and core mobility. At the same time, you also strengthen the straight abdominal muscles and improve the tension in the entire upper body.

That is why speed climbing must be rated separately

Much has now been discussed about the controversial combination format that was held at the Olympics and selected the first Olympic champions. The main focus was on the question of whether the speed discipline falsified the ranking. We say yes. But the vertical sprint was good for the spectacle.

Tips for climbing-specific training

With specific climbing training you can push your level and ideally complement your indoor training. You should be aware of that.

3 technical mistakes made by beginners: how to avoid them

Thanks to these tips, you will avoid three technical mistakes and make significant progress in climbing and bouldering.

How does Adam Ondra keep fit during his climbing vacation? He rewinds 9a's

In order to keep fit, Adam Ondra climbs specifically on the rock during his stay - and climbs a few 9a's on the side.

New treatment method for tendon complaints: EPTE

In today's post, Simon Deussen shows us an innovative method for the treatment of acute and chronic tendon complaints: Epte therapy

Ring ligament injury while climbing - symptoms, reasons and prevention

The ring bands (Ligamenti anularia) are heavily loaded, passive structures when climbing. These are the symptoms and this is how you prevent injuries.

Jakob Schubert commits Perfecto Mundo - a personal report

In 2019, the Austrian Jakob Schubert managed the third ascent of Perfecto Mundo (9b +). Here is Jakob's personal report and video.

