Keyword: LVS

Recall / product improvement of the Pieps avalanche transceiver

The manufacturer of avalanche transceivers, Pieps, is urgently calling for the replacement of the carrying system used in its DSP models. Here are the details.

Little frills, a lot of performance: The LVS Powder BT from Pieps

The wintry mountain world is impressive and offers a lot of new things in summer: ski tours, snowshoe hikes or ice climbing, to name just a few sports. Unfortunately, snow-covered peaks also harbor a real risk of an avalanche. Especially with the current snow conditions. Life-saving equipment in an emergency is essential. Above all a reliable avalanche transceiver. We introduce you to the Powder BT from Pieps.

These 4 grams can save your life: Recco reflector

Recco is a small and at the same time highly efficient rescue system that can save your life. We show what it can and cannot do.

You need to know these three components of avalanche equipment

Snow-covered mountains have a magical attraction. But the white snow is also dangerous. You have to know this avalanche equipment.

Attention: Error with Ortovox 3 + avalanche transient detector

Ortovox recalls avalanche transceivers (avalanche transceivers). According to the company, individual reports have shown that in rare cases there may be a temporary disruption in the transmission function...

