4 Tips: Climb Ledges Better Without Additional Strength Training

Groin balling is not just about strength alone. Today you will learn 4 practical techniques that will help you improve your ability to hold groins - and all without any special training.

You often hear that finger strength is the most important skill in climbing. But what if you have strong fingers but still find yourself stuck on difficult routes? You're not alone. If you're holding twice your body weight on a hangboard and still can't get past a 7c, then this video is for you.

Better Crimping: What you will learn in this video

  • Use your hips in a targeted manner: Maximize grip angles, use your weight effectively, and increase stability through proper hip and foot positioning.
  • Delay techniques: Avoid shock loads and maintain control of your movements to save energy with each move.
  • Versatility of grip position: From full crimps to finer adjustments, improve your grip technique to master a variety of holds.
  • Build skin firmness: Tips on how to prepare your skin for rock climbing and thus maintain control on small holds.

It's time to climb smarter and unleash your full grip power on the wall.

These techniques can make a big difference without any extra training, and they will help you get more out of each climbing session.

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Credits: Cover picture Lattice training

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The IFSC World Cup returns to Bern | Tickets available

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