Videoserie über den Gran Canaria Bouldertrip von Nils Favre

Nils Favre liebt es, neue Felsarten und Blöcke zu entdecken. So entschied er sich vor einigen Jahren für einen Trip nach Gran Canaria und Teneriffa. Das Resultat sind etliche super harte Erstbegehungen, die er in Form einer Videoserie festhielt. Wir haben mit Nils über seinen Gran Canaria Aufenthalt gesprochen.

Wann warst du in Gran Canaria?
I was in Gran Canaria in February 2015, I spent 3 weeks in Gran Canaria and one week in Teneriffe.

Warst du zuvor schon einmal in Gran Canaria?
It was my first time in Gran Canaria and I didn’t really know about the place. I watched some video and contacted local climbers. They were directly open and motivated to show me the area. A trip to an Island with unclimbed boulders motivated me a lot. In addition, I had never climbed on basalt  rockk and i was really curious to climb on it. I love to discover new types of rock.

Warum hast du dich für die Insel entschieden?
I wanted to find a place with a good potential, good quality rock and first ascent to do. There isn’t a bouldering guidebook but the locals helped me. They were the best locals I’ve ever met on a climbing trip.

Nils Favre beim Bouldern in Gran Canaria
Nils Favre im Boulder Les vents contraires (8a+) auf Gran Canaria

Wie würdest du das Bouldern in Gran Canaria beschreiben?
There is definitely two kind of boulders in Gran Canaria. Boulders are either located in the dry riverbed or along the river. Inside the dry river, boulders are really smooth, polished by the water. IIt’s really hard for the feet, a bit like Brione in Switzerland. On the side of the river, boulders are sharp and sometimes a bit fragile, the quality of the rock is a bit worse.

Wie viele Bouldergebiete gibt es auf Gran Canaria?
There is one big main area called Mogan and a smaller one called Tunte. Beside, there is a lot of small areas and many valleys with great bouldering potential.

Mit wem hast du auf Gran Canaria gebouldert?
I was there with Viviane Monteiro and the locals. The locals climbed with us almost everyday.  I wanted to open a great line, but I first repeated all classics of the area (more than 15 boulders in the 8th grade). After climbing all the classic lines I finally found a really great boulder which suited my style. It’s a big boulder with slopers and compression climbing. It’s probably the hardest boulders I climbed and I proposed 8b, but it felt harder than other 8b’s in the area. Maybe the grades are a bit soft in general, but correct for the whole island.

Viertes Video der Gran Canaria Episode von Nils Favre

Videos der Episode eins bis drei von Nils Favre beim Boulderin auf Gran Canaria

Episode 3

Episode 2

Episode 1

Credits: Nils Favre


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